Browse Books in General
The Architecture of Empire
France in India and Southeast Asia, 1664–1962
Made for the Eye of One Who Sees
Canadian Contributions to the Study of Islamic Art and Archaeology
What Was History Painting and What Is It Now?
The True Face of Sir Isaac Brock
Beyond Wilderness
The Group of Seven, Canadian Identity, and Contemporary Art
Narratives Unfolding
National Art Histories in an Unfinished World
Desire Change
Contemporary Feminist Art in Canada
Spaces and Places for Art
Making Art Institutions in Western Canada, 1912-1990
Then and Now
Collecting and Classicism in Eighteenth-Century England
The Letters of Vincent van Gogh
A Critical Study
Adam Buenosayres
A Novel
Du coq à l’âme
L’art populaire au Québec
The Science of Culture and the Phenomenology of Styles
In Praise of Nonsense
Aesthetics, Uncertainty, and Postmodern Identity
David Alexander
The Shape of Place
Depicting Canada’s Children
American By Degrees
The Extraordinary Lives of French Ambassador Jules Jusserand
Art of the Landscape
A Russian Paints America
The Travels of Pavel P. Svin'in, 1811-1813
The Cultivated Landscape
An Exploration of Art and Agriculture
Precarious Visualities
New Perspectives on Identification in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture
Pictorial Illusionism
The Theatre of Steele MacKaye
A Body of Vision
Representations of the Body in Recent Film and Poetry
Offshoring Strategies, Creative Governance, and Subnational Island Jurisdictions