Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography
John C. Parkin, Archives and Photography
Reflections on the Practice and Presentation of Modern Architecture
Taking Aviation to New Heights
A Biography of Pierre Jeanniot
Journeys in Time and Place
Facing the Sea
Lightkeepers and Their Families
O.D. Skelton
The Work of the World, 1923-1941
The Remarkable Chester Ronning
Proud Son of China
A Stone for Benjamin
Growing to One World
The Life of J. King Gordon
Rain on a Distant Roof
A Personal Journey Through Lyme Disease in Canada
Jacob's Prayer
Loss and Resilience at Alkali Lake
How the Bathurst Tragedy Ignited a Crusade for Change
Wooden Stars: Innocent Gears
Ted Grant
Sixty Years of Legendary Photojournalism
The Laird of Fort William
William McGillivray and the North West Company
Pursuit of Profit and Preferment in Colonial North America
John Bradstreet’s Quest
The Woman I Am
Play by Play
The Life and Times of Pat Connolly
Maggie and Pierre & The Duchess
From Old Hollywood to New Brunswick
Memories of a Wonderful Life
My Name is Lola
No One To Tell
Breaking My Silence on Life in the RCMP
Harold Mortimer Lamb
The Art Lover
The Life of a Stó:lō Matriarch