Browse Books in Native Canadian
Elizabeth Quocksister
Keeper of History
The Rainbow, the Midwife & The Birds
4 Dene Tales
Amazing L’nu’k
A Celebration of the People of Mi’kma’ki
The Secret Pocket
Walking Together
Muinji’j Asks Why
The Story of the Mi’kmaq and the Shubenacadie Residential School
Aggie and Mudgy
The Journey of Two Kaska Dena Children
Nibi Emosaawdang / The Water Walker
The Water Walker
Treaty Words
For As Long As the Rivers Flow
Nibi is Water
Discovering Animals: English * French * Cree
If You Want to Visit a Sea Garden
When I Was Eight
I'm Finding My Talk
A Celebration through Song and Dance
Discovering Numbers: English * French * Cree
Nutaui's Cap
What the Eagle Sees
Indigenous Stories of Rebellion and Renewal