Browse Books in History
A History of Antisemitism in Canada
Better Off Dead
The Charlottetown Conference
On the Frontier
Letters from the Canadian West in the 1880s
Emily Carr
The Incredible Life and Adventures of a West Coast Artist
The Lost Wilderness
Rediscovering W.F. Ganong's New Brunswick
From Kitchen to Carnegie Hall
Ethel Stark and the Montreal Women’s Symphony Orchestra
The Weight of Freedom
Unwanted Warriors
Rejected Volunteers of the Canadian Expeditionary Force
The Constitutions that Shaped Us
A Historical Anthology of Pre-1867 Canadian Constitutions
Seanchaidh na Coille / Memory-Keeper of the Forest
Anthology of Scottish-Gaelic Literature of Canada
Honorer la vérité, réconcilier pour l’avenir
Sommaire du rapport final de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada
The Great Blackfoot Treaties
The Diplomat
Lester Pearson and the Suez Crisis
Sir John's Table
The Culinary Life and Times of Canada's First Prime Minister
The Idea of a Human Rights Museum
Alpine Warriors
A Time That Was
Christmas in Newfoundland
Stronger Together
Alone in the Storm
A Short History of Fredericton
Rogues and Rebels
Unforgettable Characters from Canada's West
We’re Going to Run This City
Winnipeg's Political Left after the General Strike
Holocaust Survivors in Canada
Exclusion, Inclusion, Transformation, 1947-1955