Browse Books in History

Connecting the Continents
Hearts Content and the Atlantic Cable

Icon, Brand, Myth
The Calgary Stampede

The Importance of Being Monogamous
Marriage and Nation Building in Western Canada in 1915

No Easy Fix
Global Responses to Internal Wars and Crimes Against Humanity

The Shady Side of Fifty
Age and Old Age in Late Victorian Canada and the United States

The Making of the Nations and Cultures of the New World
An Essay in Comparative History

Northern Rover
The Life Story of Olaf Hanson

Mr Charlotte Brontë
The Life of Arthur Bell Nicholls

Transatlantic Subjects
Ideas, Institutions, and Social Experience in Post-Revolutionary British North America

Bear Child
The Life and Times of Jerry Potts

The Sixties
Passion, Politics, and Style

Mountain Masculinity
The Life and Writing of Nello “Tex” Vernon-Wood in the Canadian Rockies, 1906-1938

Imagining Head Smashed In
Aboriginal Buffalo Hunting on the Northern Plains

Rocke Robertson
Surgeon and Shepherd of Change

This Island in Time
Remarkable Tales from Montreal's Past

Hunting for Empire
Narratives of Sport in Rupert's Land, 1840-70

The Archive of Place
Unearthing the Pasts of the Chilcotin Plateau

Through darkening spectacles
Memoirs of Diamond Jenness

Alliance and Illusion
Canada and the World, 1945-1984

Weasel Tail

Transboundary Policy Challenges in the Pacific Border Regions of North America

In Those Days, At This Time
Holiness and History in the Jewish Calendar

Women in British Imperial Airspace

Florence Nightingale on Social Change in India
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 10