Browse Books in History
Religious Rivalries and the Struggle for Success in Caesarea Maritima
Florence Nightingale’s Spiritual Journey: Biblical Annotations, Sermons and Journal Notes
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 2
The Call of Conscience
French Protestant Responses to the Algerian War, 1954-1962
Political Thought in Japanese Historical Writing
From Kojiki (712) to Tokushi Yoron (1712)
Early Modern Concepts for a Late Modern World
Althusius on Community and Federalism
The Crime of Crimes
Demonology and Politics in France, 1560-1620
Collective Autonomy
A History of the Council of Ontario Universities, 1962-2000
Unsettled Pasts
Reconceiving the West through Women's History
Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Canada
American Philanthropy and the Arts and Letters in Canada
Six Hundred Years of Reform
Bishops and the French Church, 1190-1789
Forkhill Protestants and Forkhill Catholics, 1787-1858
Charlie Baker George
Catholic Origins of Quebec's Quiet Revolution, 1931-1970
Forging Alberta's Constitutional Framework
Winnipeg 1912
Diary of a City
Far in the Waste Sudan
On Assignment in Africa
Freedom to Smoke
Tobacco Consumption and Identity
Robert and Frances Flaherty
A Documentary Life, 1883-1922
Beyond the Promised Land
The Movement and the Myth
New England and the Maritime Provinces
Connections and Comparisons
How Ottawa Spends, 2005-2006
Managing the Minority
The Literary Origins of British Columbia, Volume 3
Calgary's Grand Story
John Muir
West Coast Pioneer