Browse Books in History
Fraudulent Lives
Imagining Welfare Cheats from the Poor Law to the Present
Prisoners’ Bodies
Activism, Health, and the Prisoners’ Rights Movement in Ireland, 1972–1985
No Jews Live Here
Slow Train to Arcadia
A History of Railway Commuting into London
Transforming the Prairies
Agricultural Rehabilitation and Modern Canada
Growing Up in Toronto "The Good"
Ring Around the Maple
A Sociocultural History of Children and Childhoods in Canada, 19th and 20th Centuries
Sanctuary in Pieces
Two Centuries of Flight, Fugitivity, and Resistance in a North American City
Tappan Adney
From Birchbark Canoes to Indigenous Rights
The Lights on the Tipple Are Going Out
Fighting Economic Ruin in a Canadian Coalfield Community
I Flew into Trouble
Story of a WWII Navigator
The Hour of Absinthe
A Cultural History of France's Most Notorious Drink
Finding Molly Johnson
Irish Famine Orphans in Canada
Characters Along the Road
What’s the Point?
An Irreverent History of Point Pleasant Park
Pursuing Play
Women’s Leisure in Small-Town Ontario, 1870–1914
Untold Tales of Old British Columbia
Le moment Montfort dans la francophonie canadienne
With a Unity of Purpose
How the First World War Changed Newfoundland
Political Culture in Louis XIV’s Canada
Majesty, Ritual, and Rhetoric
Reckoning with History
Essays on Uses of the Past
How Story Made a People (Almost) Disappear
Shifting Gears
Canadian Autoworkers and the Changing Landscape of Labour Politics