Browse Books in History
From the Inside Out
The Rural Worlds of Mennonite Diarists
Journeys of Fear
Refugee Return and National Transformation in Guatemala
Carabins ou activistes?
L'idéalism et la radicalisation de la pensée étudiante à l'Université de Montréal au temps du Duplessisme
Weariness, the Fever, and the Fret
The Campaign against Tuberculosis in Canada, 1900-1950
Families in Transition
Industry and Population in Nineteenth-Century Saint-Hyacynthe
Standing into Danger
The Unlikely Gladiator
Community Music in Alberta
Some Good School House Stuff!
Irish in Ontario, Second Edition
A Study in Rural History
Walter Gordon and the Rise of Canadian Nationalism
Road to Egdon Heath
The Aesthetics of the Great in Nature
Pauline Jewett
A Passion for Canada
Fontanka 16
The Tsars' Secret Police
The Labradorians
Voices from the Land of Cain
Struggle for Quebec
British Generals in the War of 1812
High Command in the Canadas
Recent Social Trends in Italy, 1960-1995
Grillparzer's Libussa
The Tragedy of Separation
Young Man's Benefit
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Sickness Insurance in the United States and Canada, 1860-1929
Good Citizens
British Missionaries and Imperial States, 1870-1918
Civil Wars in Africa
Roots and Resolution
Stefansson and the Canadian Arctic
Working People, Fifth Edition
An Illustrated History of the Canadian Labour Movement