Browse Books in History
Glass manufacturing in Canada
A survey of pressed glass patterns
Quebec Nationalism in Crisis
George-Etienne Cartier
Montreal Bourgeois
Radar Development in Canada
The Radio Branch of the National Research Council of Canada 1939-46
History of Atlantic Canada
Museum interpretations
A Guide to the Study of Manitoba Local History
British Regulars in Montreal
An Imperial Garrison, 1832-1854
Introduction to the social history of Scots in Quebec (1780-1840)
Croix de chemin
Au-delà du signe
Letters from a Young Emigrant in Manitoba
A Historical Directory of Manitoba Newspapers, 1859–1978
Lorenzo Magalotti at the Court of Charles II
His Relazione d’Inghilterra of 1668
Limits of Loyalty
Selected Canadian spinning wheels in perspective
An analytical approach
Economic and Social History of Quebec, 1760-1850
Structures and Conjonctures
Contexts of Canada's Past
Selected Essays of W.L. Morton
Strangers in Blood
Fur Trade Company Families in Indian Country
The Making of the Scottish Countryside
Chairman Hua
Leader of the Chinese Communists
Contrats de mariage à Québec, 1790-1812
First on the Antarctic Continent
Being an Account of the British Antarctic Expedition 1898-1900
The Politics of Motherhood
Child and Maternal Welfare in England, 1900-1939
Through the First Antarctic Night, 1898-1899
A Narrative of the Voyage of the "Belgica" among Newly Discovered Lands and over an Unknown Sea about the South Pole
Labouring Children
British Immigrant Apprentices to Canada, 1869-1924