Browse Books in History
Scandalous Conduct
Canadian Officer Courts Martial, 1914–45
Picturing Toronto
Photography and the Making of a Modern City
Place Names of Newfoundland and Labrador
305 Lost Buildings of Canada
Le féodalisme dans la vallée du Saint-Laurent
Un problème historiographique
Know It All
Finding the Impossible Country
The Volunteers
How Halifax Women Won the Second World War
Comment traiter les « soldats d’Hitler » ?
Les relations interalliées et la détention des prisonniers de guerre allemands (1939-1945)
World Bolshevism
Cultivating Community
Women and Agricultural Fairs in Ontario
Commodity Politics
Contesting Responsibility in Cameroon
The Making of a Mining Superpower
Searching for God in Britain and Beyond
Reading Letters to Malcolm Muggeridge, 1966–1982
It Was Dark There All the Time
Sophia Burthen and the Legacy of Slavery in Canada
Reconciling Truths
Reimagining Public Inquiries in Canada
Disputing New France
Companies, Law, and Sovereignty in the French Atlantic, 1598-1663
Religion, Ethnonationalism, and Antisemitism in the Era of the Two World Wars
Penal Servitude
Convicts and Long-Term Imprisonment, 1853–1948
A World Away
The British Package Holiday Boom, 1950–1974
The Cigar Factory of Isay Rottenberg
The Hidden History of a Jewish Entrepreneur in Nazi Germany
The Racial Mosaic
A Pre-history of Canadian Multiculturalism
White Space
Race, Privilege, and Cultural Economies of the Okanagan Valley
Building the Army’s Backbone
Canadian Non-Commissioned Officers in the Second World War
Canada to Ireland
Poetry, Politics, and the Shaping of Canadian Nationalism, 1788–1900