Browse Books in Canada
Wet Prairie
People, Land, and Water in Agricultural Manitoba
Defence and Discovery
Canada’s Military Space Program, 1945-74
Hoaxes and Hexes
Daring Deceptions and Mysterious Curses
Vancouver Remembered
The Amazing Foot Race of 1921
Halifax to Vancouver in 134 Days
When the Other is Me
Native Resistance Discourse, 1850-1990
Slumach's Gold
In Search of a Legend
The Way of the Bachelor
Early Chinese Settlement in Manitoba
Retail Nation
Department Stores and the Making of Modern Canada
Climbs & Exploration In the Canadian Rockies
Bronc Busters and Hay Sloops
Ranching in the West in the Early 20th Century
Ghost Town Stories of the Red Coat Trail
From Renegade to Ruin on the Canadian Prairies
Hudson's Bay Company Adventures
Tales of Canada's Fur Traders
Prairie Murders
Mysteries, Crimes and Scandals
Gold Fever
Incredible Tales of the Klondike Gold Rush
Denny's Trek
A Mountie's Memoir of the March West
Old Bill Miner
Last of the Famous Western Bandits
Country Roads of Alberta
Exploring the Routes Less Travelled
Arctic Ghost Ship
Country Roads of British Columbia
Exploring the Interior
Champagne and Meatballs
Adventures of a Canadian Communist
Mountie Makers
Putting the Canadian in RCMP
The Ranch on the Cariboo
Rebel Women of the Gold Rush
Extraordinary Achievements and Daring Adventures