Browse Books in Canada
Mountains So Sublime
Nineteenth-Century British Travellers and the Lure of the Rocky Mountain West
Great Heart
The History of a Labrador Adventure
Towards North American Monetary Union?
The Politics and History of Canada's Exchange Rate Regime
Parallel Paths
The Development of Nationalism in Ireland and Quebec
Changing Places
History, Community, and Identity in Northeastern Ontario
Kingdom of the Mind
How the Scots Helped Make Canada
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1948-1957
Community or Alliance?
Religion, Family, and Community in Victorian Canada
The Colbys of Carrollcroft
The Faces of Reason
An Essay on Philosophy and Culture in English Canada1850-1950
Biological Sciences at the National Research Council of Canada
The Early Years to 1952
The Canadian Career of the Fourth Earl of Minto
The Education of a Viceroy
Religion and Culture in Canada
Chasing the Comet
A Scottish-Canadian Life
Physics at the National Research Council of Canada
Rupert’s Land
A Cultural Tapestry
Les sciences sociales au Canada
50 ans d’activités à l’échelle nationale par la Fédération canadienne des sciences sociales
The Free Church in Victorian Canada, 1844-1861
A Propensity to Protect
Butter, Margarine and the Rise of Urban Culture in Canada
The British Ordnance Department and Canada’s Canals 1815-1855
A Victorian Missionary and Canadian Indian Policy
Cultural Synthesis vs Cultural Replacement
The Social Sciences in Canada
50 Years of National Activity by the Social Science Federation of Canada
Les sciences religieuses au Québec depuis 1972
Science, Technology and Canadian History
Les Sciences, la technologie et l’histoire et l’histoire