Browse Books in Canada
Duty to Dissent
Henri Bourassa and the First World War
In the Spirit of ’68
Youth Culture, the New Left, and the Reimagining of Acadia
The Invisibles
A History of the Royal Newfoundland Companies
The Rise and Fall of United Grain Growers
Cooperatives, Market Regulation, and Free Enterprise
Tender to the World
Jean Vanier, L'Arche, and the United Church of Canada
Northeastern Ontario's Military Past, Volume 2, World War II - Peacekeeping
Brewed in the North
A History of Labatt's
In Nature's Realm
Early Naturalists Explore Vancouver Island
Bygone Days
Folklore, Traditions & Toenails
Distorted Descent
White Claims to Indigenous Identity
Lost Harvests
Prairie Indian Reserve Farmers and Government Policy, Second Edition
A Diminished Roar
Winnipeg in the 1920s
Moments of Crisis
Religion and National Identity in Québec
Canada on the United Nations Security Council
A Small Power on a Large Stage
Gold Rush Ghost Towns of Nova Scotia
The Peddlers
The Fuller Brush Man, the Lords of Liniment and Door to Door Heroes in Nova Scotia and Beypnd
The Remarkable, Untold Story of Frederick Walker "Casey" Baldwin: Gentleman, Genius, and Alexander Graham Bell’s Canadian Protegé
Back to Blakeney
Revitalizing the Democratic State
Unmooring the Komagata Maru
Charting Colonial Trajectories
The Leamington Italian Community
Ethnicity and Identity in Canada
La Confédération, 1864-1999
nouvelles perspectives
Don't Honk Twice
Ranch Tales
Stories from the Frontier
Recasting History
How CBC Television Has Shaped Canada's Past