Browse Books in General
The Least Possible Fuss and Publicity
The Politics of Immigration in Postwar Canada, 1945-1967
Dildo, Newfoundland
The Uncomfortable Pew
Christianity and the New Left in Toronto
Victoria Unbuttoned
A Red-Light History of BC’s Capital City
A Business History of Alberta
Reading the Diaries of Henry Trent
The Everyday Life of a Canadian Englishman, 1842-1898
Joseph Roberts Smallwood
Masthead Newfoundlander, 1900-1949
What I Remember, What I Know
The Life of a High Arctic Exile
Just the Usual Work
The Social Worlds of Ida Martin, Working-Class Diarist
It’s Our Time
Honouring the African Nova Scotian Communities of East Preston, North Preston, Lake Loon/Cherry Brook
Inequality in Canada
The History and Politics of an Idea
Entangling the Quebec Act
Transnational Contexts, Meanings, and Legacies in North America and the British Empire
Why We Fight
New Approaches to the Human Dimension of Warfare
Canada's Other Red Scare
Indigenous Protest and Colonial Encounters during the Global Sixties
Challenging Choices
Canada's Population Control in the 1970s
Foreign Practices
Immigrant Doctors and the History of Canadian Medicare
The Acadian Saga
A People’s Story of Exile and Triumph, New & Expanded Edition
À L’avant-garde du progrès
L’Institut professionnel de la fonction publique du Canada 1920–2020
Spirit of the Grassroots People
Seeking Justice for Indigenous Survivors of Canada's Colonial Education System
Leading Progress
The Professional Institute of the Public Service Canada 1920–2020
The Nuclear North
Histories of Canada in the Atomic Age
After the Revival
Pentecostalism and the Making of a Canadian Church
Who Pays for Canada?
Taxes and Fairness
Nova Scotia: Shaped by the Sea
Newly revised Fourth Edition