Browse Books in General
A Rich Broth
Memoirs of a Canadian Diplomat
Pearson and Canada's Role in Nuclear Disarmament and Arms Control Negotiations, 1945-1957
Canada Among Nations, 1993-94
Global Jeopardy
Bank of Canada/La Banque du Canada
Origines et premieres annees/Origins and Early History
Gentleman In The Outports
Gobineau and Newfoundland
Creed and Culture
The Place of English-Speaking Catholics in Canadian Society, 1750-1930
While the Women Only Wept
Loyalist Refugee Women in Eastern Ontario
Painting the Map Red
Canada and the South African War, 1899-1902
Habitants and Merchants in Seventeenth-Century Montreal
God's Peculiar Peoples
Essays on Political Culture in Nineteenth Century Canada
Les Franco-Ontariens
Aux origines de l'identité franco-ontarienne
Éducation, culture, économie
Prairie en Nouvelle-France, 1647-1760
Étude d'histoire sociale
For an Amerindian Autohistory
An Essay on the Foundations of a Social Ethic
Canadian Health Care and the State
A Century of Evolution
Education in New France
Sensitive Independence
Canadian Methodist Women Missionaries in Canada and the Orient, 1881-1925
Christie Seigneuries
Estate Management and Settlement in the Upper Richelieu Valley, 1760-1854
Such Hardworking People
Italian Immigrants in Postwar Toronto
Nineteenth-Century Cape Breton
A Historical Geography
Contexts of Acadian History, 1686-1784
Serving the Present Age
Revivalism, Progressivism, and the Methodist Tradition in Canada
Harriet Brooks
Pioneer Nuclear Scientist
Au service du Canada
Histoire du Royal Military College depuis la Deuxième Guerre mondiale