Browse Books in Post-confederation (1867-)
Tender to the World
Jean Vanier, L'Arche, and the United Church of Canada
Distorted Descent
White Claims to Indigenous Identity
Lost Harvests
Prairie Indian Reserve Farmers and Government Policy, Second Edition
A Diminished Roar
Winnipeg in the 1920s
Moments of Crisis
Religion and National Identity in Québec
Canada on the United Nations Security Council
A Small Power on a Large Stage
The Remarkable, Untold Story of Frederick Walker "Casey" Baldwin: Gentleman, Genius, and Alexander Graham Bell’s Canadian Protegé
Back to Blakeney
Revitalizing the Democratic State
Unmooring the Komagata Maru
Charting Colonial Trajectories
Ranch Tales
Stories from the Frontier
At the Bridge
James Teit and an Anthropology of Belonging
Au temps de la « révolution acadienne »
Les marxistes-léninistes en Acadie
Moved by the State
Forced Relocation and Making a Good Life in Postwar Canada
When Trains Ruled the Rockies
My Life at the Banff Railway Station
Searching for Pitt Lake Gold
Facts and Fantasy in the Legend of Slumach
Ranching under the Arch
Stories from the Southern Alberta Rangelands
James Macleod
The Red Coats' First True Leader
Cornelius O'Keefe
The Life, Loves, and Legacy of an Okanagan Rancher
Nitinikiau Innusi
I Keep the Land Alive
Doing Politics Differently?
Women Premiers in Canada’s Provinces and Territories
Not Quite Us
Anti-Catholic Thought in English Canada since 1900
Fighting with the Empire
Canada, Britain, and Global Conflict, 1867–1947
The Empire on the Western Front
The British 62nd and Canadian 4th Divisions in Battle