Browse Books in France
The Hour of Absinthe
A Cultural History of France's Most Notorious Drink
Political Culture in Louis XIV’s Canada
Majesty, Ritual, and Rhetoric
Write to Return
Huguenot Refugees on the Frontiers of the French Enlightenment
A Thirst for Wine and War
The Intoxication of French Soldiers on the Western Front
Art, Medicine, and Femininity
Visualising the Morphine Addict in Paris, 1870–1914
Hush Little Baby
The Invention of Infant Sleep in Modern France
Religion and the Post-revolutionary Mind
Idéologues, Catholic Traditionalists, and Liberals in France
Dying for France
Experiencing and Representing the Soldier’s Death, 1500–2000
France in the World
The Career of André Siegfried
The Architecture of Empire
France in India and Southeast Asia, 1664–1962
Drugging France
Mind-Altering Medicine in the Long Nineteenth Century
Callings and Consequences
The Making of Catholic Vocational Culture in Early Modern France
Chronic Aftershock
How 9/11 Shaped Present-Day France
Berruyer's Bible
Public Opinion and the Politics of Enlightenment Catholicism in France
What Ails France?
Young Subjects
Children, State-Building, and Social Reform in the Eighteenth-Century French World
Queen of Versailles
Madame de Maintenon, First Lady of Louis XIV's France
Taming Cannabis
Drugs and Empire in Nineteenth-Century France
Patriot and Priest
Jean-Baptiste Volfius and the Constitutional Church in the Côte-d'Or
Gender, Generation, and Journalism in France, 1910-1940
Architecture and Urbanism in the French Atlantic Empire
State, Church, and Society, 1604-1830
From Revolution to Ethics, Second Edition
May 1968 and Contemporary French Thought
The League of the Star
When Ballet Became French
Modern Ballet and the Cultural Politics of France, 1909-1958