Browse Books in Native American
First Nations, First Thoughts
The Impact of Indigenous Thought in Canada
The Frog Lake Reader
The Ojibwa of Western Canada 1780-1870
Memories, Myths, and Dreams of an Ojibwe Leader
The Orders of the Dreamed
George Nelson on Cree and Northern Ojibwa Religion and Myth, 1823
Canada and the Métis, 1869-1885
Rediscovered Self
Indigenous Identity and Cultural Justice
Home Is the Hunter
The James Bay Cree and Their Land
Native Peoples and Water Rights
Irrigation, Dams, and the Law in Western Canada
Identity Captured by Law
Membership in Canada's Indigenous Peoples and Linguistic Minorities
The Free People - Li Gens Libres
A History of the Métis Community of Batoche, Saskatchewan
First Nations Cultural Heritage and Law
Case Studies, Voices, and Perspectives
Landing Native Fisheries
Indian Reserves and Fishing Rights in British Columbia, 1849-1925
For Future Generations
Reconciling Gitxsan and Canadian Law
New Histories for Old
Changing Perspectives on Canada’s Native Pasts
Kiumajut (Talking Back)
Game Management and Inuit Rights, 1900-70
Imagining Head Smashed In
Aboriginal Buffalo Hunting on the Northern Plains
Weasel Tail
Aboriginal Conditions
Research As a Foundation for Public Policy
Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canada
The Burden of History
Colonialism and the Frontier Myth in a Rural Canadian Community
As Their Natural Resources Fail
Native Peoples and the Economic History of Northern Manitoba, 1870-1930
Words of the Huron
The New Buffalo
The Struggle for Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education