Browse Books in Law
From UI to EI
Waging War on the Welfare State
What Is a Crime?
Defining Criminal Conduct in Contemporary Society
The Courts and the Colonies
The Litigation of Hutterite Church Disputes
Gender in the Legal Profession
Fitting or Breaking the Mould
Feminist Activism in the Supreme Court
Legal Mobilization and the Women's Legal Education and Action Fund
New Perspectives on the Public-Private Divide
Law and Risk
Taxing Choices
The Intersection of Class, Gender, Parenthood, and the Law
Regulating Lives
Historical Essays on the State, Society, the Individual, and the Law
Personal Relationships of Dependence and Interdependence in Law
Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Governance in Federal Countries
Volume 3
The Chrétien Legacy
Politics and Public Policy in Canada
Imprisoning Our Sisters
The New Federal Women's Prisons in Canada
Calling for Change
Women, Law, and the Legal Profession
The Boundaries of Meaning and the Formation of Law
Legal Concepts and Reasoning in the English, Arabic, and Chinese Traditions
Against Judicial Activism
The Decline of Freedom and Democracy in Canada
Bringing Power to Justice?
The Prospects of the International Criminal Court
Justice for Young Offenders
Their Needs, Our Responses
Politics, Property and Law in the Philippine Uplands
Britain Confronts the Stalin Revolution
Anglo-Soviet Relations and the Metro-Vickers Crisis
Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe and Canada
The Challenge of Children’s Rights for Canada
Religious Dimensions of Child and Family Life
Reflections on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
“Race,” Rights and the Law in the Supreme Court of Canada
Historical Case Studies