Browse Books in Literary Criticism
Politics and Literature at the Turn of the Millennium
Northrop Frye and Others
Twelve Writers Who Helped Shape His Thinking
From the Elephant's Back
Collected Essays & Travel Writings
Literary Land Claims
The “Indian Land Question” from Pontiac’s War to Attawapiskat
Girls, Texts, Cultures
Public Poetics
Critical Issues in Canadian Poetry and Poetics
Material Cultures in Canada
Medicine Shows
Indigenous Performance Culture
"My Own Portrait in Writing"
Self-Fashioning in the Letters of Vincent van Gogh
The Black Atlantic Reconsidered
Black Canadian Writing, Cultural History, and the Presence of the Past
Designing Fictions
Literature Confronts Advertising
Textual Exposures
Photography in Twentieth Century Latin American Narrative Fiction
Leo Zakuta
Reminiscences, Rants, and Raves
Missing Link
The Evolution of Metaphor and the Metaphor of Evolution
Sustaining the West
Cultural Responses to Canadian Environments
Sexual Enjoyment in British Romanticism
Gender and Psychoanalysis, 1753-1835
Chamber Music
The Poetry of Jan Zwicky
To Build a Shadowy Isle of Bliss
William Morris's Radicalism and the Embodiment of Dreams
The Worlds of Carol Shields
Unified Fields
Science and Literary Form
Interlinguicity, Internationality, and Shakespeare
We Share Our Matters
Two Centuries of Writing and Resistance at Six Nations of the Grand River
Personal Modernisms
Anarchist Networks and the Later Avant-Gardes
Found in Alberta
Environmental Themes for the Anthropocene