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From Literature to Biterature
Lem, Turing, Darwin, and Explorations in Computer Literature, Philosophy of Mind, and Cultural Evolution
The Structures of Law and Literature
Duty, Justice, and Evil in the Cultural Imagination
The Hermes Complex
Philosophical Reflections on Translation
Selves and Subjectivities
Reflections on Canadian Arts and Culture
Tours et détours
Le mythe de Babel dans la littérature contemporaine
Operation Freak
Narrative, Identity, and the Spectrum of Bodily Abilities
Refereeing Identity
The Cultural Work of Canadian Hockey Novels
Recesses of the Mind
Aesthetics in the Work of Guðbergur Bergsson
Dreams of a Totalitarian Utopia
Literary Modernism and Politics
Masculinities without Men?
Female Masculinity in Twentieth-Century Fictions
Saints Alive
Word, Image, and Enactment in the Lives of the Saints
Locating the Past / Discovering the Present
Perspectives on Religion, Culture, and Marginality
Stories of the Middle Space
Reading the Ethics in Postmodern Realisms
Virgil the Blind Guide
Marking the Way through the Divine Comedy
Gothic Canada
Reading the Spectre of a National Literature
Canada & Its Americas
Transnational Navigations
Media, Memory, and the First World War
Under Conrad's Eyes
The Novel as Criticism
Elizabeth Bishop's Poetics of Description
Imagining Justice
The Politics of Postcolonial Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Dal and Rice
Sir Andrew Macphail
The Life and Legacy of a Canadian Man of Letters
Divining Margaret Laurence
A Study of Her Complete Writings
The Modern Dilemma
Wallace Stevens, T.S. Eliot, and Humanism