Browse Books in Political Science

Vancouver Remembered

Keep True
A Life in Politics

No-Nonsense Guide to Climate Change
The Science, the Solutions, the Way Forward

The End of Iceland's Innocence
The Image of Iceland in the Foreign Media during the Financial Crisis

Governing the Poor
Exercises of Poverty Reduction, Practices of Global Aid

A Life in Balance?
Reopening the Family-Work Debate

Money, Politics, and Democracy
Canada’s Party Finance Reforms

Champagne and Meatballs
Adventures of a Canadian Communist

Le Fédéralisme
Une introduction

Working Without Commitments
The Health Effects of Precarious Employment

The Case for Decentralized Federalism

The Service State
Rhetoric, Reality and Promise

Constitutional Politics in Canada after the Charter
Liberalism, Communitarianism, and Systemism

The Politics of Acknowledgement
Truth Commissions in Uganda and Haiti

Managed Annihilation
An Unnatural History of the Newfoundland Cod Collapse

Indigenous Peoples and Autonomy
Insights for a Global Age

Parity Democracy
Women's Political Representation in Fifth Republic France

Globalization and Local Adaptation in International Trade Law

The Aquaculture Controversy in Canada
Activism, Policy, and Contested Science

Locating Global Order
American Power and Canadian Security after 9/11

In Defence of Principles
NGOs and Human Rights in Canada

Storied Communities
Narratives of Contact and Arrival in Constituting Political Community

Voting Behaviour in Canada