Browse Books in Government
Federalism in Canada and Australia
The Early Years
The Horn of Africa as Common Homeland
The State and Self-Determination in the Era of Heightened Globalization
Emerging Powers in Global Governance
Lessons from the Heiligendamm Process
The Case for Centralized Federalism
Unsettled Legitimacy
Political Community, Power, and Authority in a Global Era
Redesigning the World Trade Organization for the Twenty-first Century
Local Governments and Their Intergovernmental Networks in Federalizing Spain
Unfulfilled Union, 5th Edition
Canadian Federalism and National Unity
Renegotiating Community
Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Global Contexts
L’ État rentier
Le cas de la Malaysia
No-Nonsense Guide to the United Nations
Can the World Be Governed?
Possibilities for Effective Multilateralism
Critical Mass
The Emergence of Global Civil Society
Business and Government in Canada
Constructing Tomorrow's Federalism
New Perspectives on Canadian Governance
Gomery's Blinders and Canadian Federalism
Dialogues on the Practice of Fiscal Federalism
How Ottawa Spends, 2006-2007
In From the Cold: The Tory Rise and the Liberal Demise
E-Government in Canada
Transformation for the Digital Age
Dialogues on Legislative and Executive Governance in Federal Countries
Social Policy and Social Justice
The NDP Government in Saskatchewan during the Blakeney Years
Problems of Change in Urban Government
Distribution of Powers and Responsibilities in Federal Countries
Taking It to the Hill
The Complete Guide to Appearing Before Parliamentary Committees