Browse Books in Public Policy
Urban Affairs
Back on the Policy Agenda
Do Think Tanks Matter?, First Edition
Assessing the Impact of Public Policy Institutes
Market Rules
Economic Union Reform and Intergovernmental Policy-Making in Australia and Canada
The Cult of Efficiency
Revised Edition
Tower under Siege
Technology, Power, and Education
Seat at the Table
Persons with Disabilities and Policy Making
Telecom Nation
Telecommunications, Computers, and Governments in Canada
Judicial Power and Canadian Democracy
Free Trade
Risks and Rewards
Immigrants and the Labour Force
Policy, Regulation, and Impact
Power versus Prudence
Why Nations Forgo Nuclear Weapons
La Frénésie des fusions
Canada's National System of Innovation
Canadian Marxists and the Search for a Third Way
Harold Innis in the New Century
Reflections and Refractions
Politics and Ideology in Canada
Elite and Public Opinion in the Transformation of the Welfare State
Do We Care?
Renewing Canada's Commitment to Health
Restructuring Societies
Insights from the Social Sciences
All the God-sized Fruit
Doctor Dilemma
Public Policy and the Changing Role of Physicians Under Ontario Medicare
Patchworks of Purpose
The Development of Provincial Social Assistance Regimes in Canada
Economic Intelligence and National Security
Planners and Politicians
Liberal Politics and Social Policy, 1957-1968
Strategies of Public Engagement
Shaping a Canadian Agenda for International Co-operation