Browse Books in Social Science
Reverse Shots
Indigenous Film and Media in an International Context
Intensive Mothering
The Cultural Contradictions of Modern Motherhood
Performing Motherhood
Artistic, Activist, and Everyday Enactments
The Warmth of the Welcome
Is Atlantic Canada a Home Away from Home for Immigrants?
Maps and Memes
Redrawing Culture, Place, and Identity in Indigenous Communities
The Business of Culture
Cultural Entrepreneurs in China and Southeast Asia, 1900-65
Islands' Spirit Rising
Reclaiming the Forests of Haida Gwaii
Immigration Canada
Evolving Realities and Emerging Challenges in a Postnational World
Bodily Subjects
Essays on Gender and Health, 1800-2000
We Share Our Matters
Two Centuries of Writing and Resistance at Six Nations of the Grand River
Mothers of the Nations
Indigenous Mothering as Global Resistance, Reclaiming and Recovery
Not Exactly As Planned
A Memoir of Adoption, Secrets and Abiding Love
Queering Motherhood
Narrative and Theoretical Perspectives
Counting on Marilyn Waring
New Advances in Feminist Economics Second Edition
Patricia Hill Collins
Reconceiving Motherhood
Acquired Tastes
Why Families Eat the Way They Do
Aboriginal Student Engagement and Achievement
Educational Practices and Cultural Sustainability
Demarginalizing Voices
Commitment, Emotion, and Action in Qualitative Research
Mixed Race Amnesia
Resisting the Romanticization of Multiraciality
Dangerous Spirits
The Windigo in Myth and History
Northern Trader
The Last Days of the Fur Trade
Overlooking Saskatchewan
Minding the Gap
Inside the Ark
The Hutterites in Canada and the United States
Archives, Ephemeral Cinema, and New Screen Histories in Canada