Browse Books in Social Science
Women, Reading, Kroetsch
Telling the Difference
Profiles of Anabaptist Women
Sixteenth-Century Reforming Pioneers
Dissonant Worlds
Roger Vandersteene among the Cree
Dilemmas of Reconciliation
Cases and Concepts
Voices and Echoes
Canadian Women’s Spirituality
Violence in Argentine Literature and Film (1989-2005)
Between Consenting Peoples
Political Community and the Meaning of Consent
D'un islam textuel vers un islam contextuel
La traduction du Coran et la construction de l'image de la femme
From Slave Ship to Ghetto
Entre lieux et mémoire
L'inscription de la francophonie canadienne dans la durée
Gender and Modernity in Central Europe
The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and Its Legacy
Gouvernance et appropriation locale du développement
Au-delà des modèles importés
The Bold and the Brave
A History of Women in Science and Engineering
Evangelical Balance Sheet
Character, Family, and Business in Mid-Victorian Nova Scotia
These Mysterious People
Shaping History and Archaeology in a Northwest Coast Community
Random Acts of Culture
Reclaiming Art and Community in the 21st Century
40 Years of Ideas, Innovation, and Impact
I Have a Story to Tell You
Masculinities without Men?
Female Masculinity in Twentieth-Century Fictions
Do Glaciers Listen?
Local Knowledge, Colonial Encounters, and Social Imagination
Cannibal Tours and Glass Boxes
The Anthropology of Museums
Freedom to Play
We Made Our Own Fun
Gathering Places
Aboriginal and Fur Trade Histories
Storied Landscapes
Ethno-Religious Identity and the Canadian Prairies