Browse Books in Social Science
Unlucky to the End
The Story of Janise Marie Gamble
Choosing to Labour?
School-Work Transitions and Social Class
Being Arab
Ethnic and Religious Identity Building among Second Generation Youth in Montreal
Intercultural Dialogue
Canada and the Other
Chinese Shadow Theatre
History, Popular Religion, and Women Warriors
Blackness and Modernity
The Colour of Humanity and the Quest for Freedom
Give Your Other Vote to the Sister
A Woman's Journey into the Great War
Filming Politics
Communism and the Portrayal of the Working Class at the National Film Board of Canada, 1939-46
Women and the Gift Economy
A Radically Different Worldview is Possible
Policing the Wild North-West
A Sociological Study of the Provincial Police in Alberta and Saskatchewan, 1905-32
How Canadians Communicate, Vol. 2
Media, Globalization and Identity
My Parents
Memoirs of New World Icelanders
Unsettling Narratives
Postcolonial Readings of Children’s Literature
Moving Toward Positive Systems of Child and Family Welfare
Current Issues and Future Directions
Poser les bonnes questions 2
Parler avec les clients de leur orientation et de leur identité sexuelles dans les établissements de santé mentale, de traitement de la toxicomanie et les cabinets de counseling
Asking the Right Questions 2
Talking about sexual orientation and gender identity in mental health, counselling and addiction settings
Unfitting Stories
Narrative Approaches to Disease, Disability, and Trauma
Highs and Lows
Canadian Perspectives of Women and Substance Use
Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth
Work in Tumultuous Times
Critical Perspectives
Looking After Children
A Practitioner's Guide
Words of the Huron
Relocating Identities in Latin American Cultures
Spirit Lives in the Mind
Omushkego Stories, Lives, and Dreams