Browse Books in Social Science
Canada's Francophone Minority Communities
Constitutional Renewal and the Winning of School Governance
Bare and Impolitic Right
Internment and Ukrainian-Canadian Redress
Les femmes, la violence et le traitement des traumatismes
Guide d'information
Recent Social Trends in Greece, 1960-2000
No-Nonsense Guide to Islam
Engendering the Republic of Letters
Reconnecting Public and Private Spheres in Eighteenth-Century Europe
Fragile Social Fabric?
Fairness, Trust, and Commitment in Canada
Archaeological Research in the Lesser Slave Lake Region
A Contribution to the Pre-Contact History of the Boreal Forest of Alberta
Passion for the Past
Papers in Honour of James F. Pendergast
Late Palaeo-Indian Great Lakes
Geological and Archaeological Investigations of Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Environments
Femmes et politiques
L'état en mutation
Trajectoires culturelles transaméricaines
Médias, publicité, littérature et mondialisation
Les Flambeurs
Trajectoires d'usagers de cocaïne
De l'écrit à l'écran
Les réécritures filmiques du roman africain francophone
Pensée, idéologie et politique
Mélanges offerts à André Vachet
Whadoo tehmi / Long-ago people's packsack
Dene babiche bags: tradition and revival
The Truth About Stories
A Native Narrative
J.B. Collip and the Development of Medical Research in Canada
Extracts and Enterprise
Deep Futures
Our Prospects for Survival
Writing Grief
Margaret Laurence and the Work of Mourning
Intimate Citizenship
Private Decisions and Public Dialogues
User Error
Resisting Computer Culture
Tough on Kids
Rethinking Approaches to Youth Justice