Browse Books in Social Science
The Honour and Dishonour of the Crown
Making Sense of Aboriginal Law in Canada
Moving Aboriginal Health Forward
Discarding Canada’s Legal Barriers
Two Families
Treaties and Government
We All Expected to Die
Spanish Influenza in Labrador, 1918-1919
Environmental Activism on the Ground
Small Green and Indigenous Organizing
The Time Has Come
Why Men Must Join the Gender Equality Revolution
Nationhood Interrupted
Revitalizing nêhiyaw Legal Systems
Children's Literature and Imaginative Geography
Truth and Conviction
Donald Marshall Jr. and the Mi’kmaw Quest for Justice
Feminist Praxis Revisited
Critical Reflections on University-Community Engagement
Mothers Without Their Children
Institutions, Families, and the Construction of Intellectual Disability
Reading between the Borderlines
Cultural Production and Consumption across the 49th Parallel
Climate Chaos
Ecofeminism and the Land Question
A Stone for Andrew Dunphy
Narrative Obituary Verse and Song in Northern Cape Breton
Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, V27 #2
Special Issue: 20 Years of Convict Criminology - Developing Insider Perspectives in Research Activism
The Maternal Roots of the Gift Economy
Incorporating Culture
How Indigenous People Are Reshaping the Northwest Coast Art Industry
A Neighborhood Politics of Last Resort
Post-Katrina New Orleans and the Right to the City
Inuit Stories of Being and Rebirth
Gender, Shamanism, and the Third Sex
Where the Ghosts Are
A Guide to Nova Scotia's Spookiest Places
Imagining Child Welfare in the Spirit of Reconciliation
A Matter of Taste
A Farmers' Market Devotee's Semi-Reluctant Argument for Inviting Scientific Innovation to the Dinner Table