Browse Books in Ethnic Studies
Identity of the Saint Francis Indians
Canadian Ethnology Society: Papers from the sixth annual congress, 1979
Practical Heiltsuk-English dictionary with a grammatical introduction: Volume 2
Window on the past
The photographic ethnohistory of the Northern and Kaigani Haida
Three stories in Oneida
Changing economic roles for Micmac men and women
An ethnohistorical analysis
Analyse linguistique et ethnocentrisme :essai sur la structure du mot en inuktitut
Ethnic Organizational Dynamics
The Polish Group in Canada
Trappers of Patuanak
Toward a spatial ecology of modern hunters
Inuit language in southern Labrador from 1694-1785 / La langue inuit au Sud du Labrador de 1964 à 1785
Persistent ceremonialism: the Plains Cree and Saulteaux
Hare Indians and their world
Algonquin ethnobotany
An interpretation of aboriginal adaptation in Southwestern Quebec
North Wakashan comparative root list
Canoe construction in a Cree cultural tradition
Strangers in Blood
Fur Trade Company Families in Indian Country
Canadian Ethnology Society: Papers from the fifth annual congress, 1978
Kyuquot way
A study of a West Coast (Nootkan) community