Browse Books in Feminism & Feminist Theory
Muslim Mothering
Global Histories, Theories, and Practices
Mothers and Food
Negotiating Foodways from Maternal Perspectives
“New Maternalisms”
Tales of Motherwork (Dislodging the Unthinkable)
Notes from the Orgasmic Frontier of Female Sexuality
Missing the Mark?
Women and the Millennium Development Goals in Africa and Oceania
Burqa of Skin
Screening Motherhood in Contemporary World Cinema
Feminist Pedagogy in Higher Education
Critical Theory and Practice
Girls, Texts, Cultures
Queen of the Hurricanes
The Fearless Elsie MacGill
Regenerations / Régénérations
Canadian Women's Writing / Écriture des femmes au Canada
Feminist History in Canada
New Essays on Women, Gender, Work, and Nation
Changing Places
Feminist Essays on Empathy and Relocation
Canadian Woman Studies
An Introductory Reader, 3rd Ed.
A Force Such as the World Has Never Known
Women Creating Change
Women in a Globalizing World
Transforming Equality, Development, Diversity and Peace
Writing the Revolution
Be Good, Sweet Maid
The Trials of Dorothy Joudrie
Not Drowning But Waving
Women, Feminism, and the Liberal Arts
Women, Reading, Kroetsch
Telling the Difference
Minds of Our Own
Inventing Feminist Scholarship and Women’s Studies in Canada and Québec, 1966–76
Every Grain of Sand
Canadian Perspectives on Ecology and Environment
Gendering the Nation-State
Canadian and Comparative Perspectives