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Sara Angelucci: Undergrowth / Brousailles

by (artist) Sara Angelucci

by (author) Shannon Anderson

with Bénédicte Ramade, Demetra Christakos, Fides Krucker & Kim Fahner

ECW Press
Initial publish date
May 2023
Women Artists, Canadian, Artists' Books, General

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  • eBook

    Publish Date
    May 2023

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For more than 20 years, Toronto photo-based artist Sara Angelucci has transformed found photographs and created images exposing the cultural and historical conditions outside the image frame. Her work brings attention to the social forces that generate the language of photography. Her series Aviary — which morphs extinct and endangered birds with 19th-century cartes-de-visite portraits — reveals the colonizing role the camera played in capturing animals for consumption. In her current work, Nocturnal Botanical Ontario, images of entwined native and invasive plants — made with a digital scanner — pay homage to photography as a tool of scientific inquiry. These complex botanical compositions uncover the impacts of settler colonialism and global trade on our ecology. Through acts of empathy, embodiment, and envisioning, the images and essays in Undergrowth seek to reconcile our fraught relationship with the natural world, addressing one of the most critical issues of our time.

Undergrowth is a co-publication with Art Gallery Sudbury | Galerie d’art de Sudbury.

About the authors

Sara Angelucci's profile page

Shannon Anderson's profile page

Bénédicte Ramade's profile page

Demetra Christakos' profile page

Fides Krucker's profile page

Kim Fahner lives and writes in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. She has published two chapbooks, You Must Imagine the Cold Here (Scrivener, 1997) and Fault Lines and Shatter Cones (Emergency Flash Mob Press, 2023), as well as five full books of poetry, including: braille on water (Penumbra Press, 2001), The Narcoleptic Madonna (Penumbra Press, 2012), Some Other Sky (Black Moss Press, 2017), These Wings (Pedlar Press, 2019), and Emptying the Ocean (Frontenac House, 2022). Kim is the First Vice-Chair of The Writers' Union of Canada (2023-25), a full member of the League of Canadian Poets, and a supporting member of the Playwrights Guild of Canada. She was Poet Laureate for the City of Greater Sudbury from 2016-18.

Kim Fahner's profile page