Demeter Press
Books from this publisher
Mothers of the Nations
Indigenous Mothering as Global Resistance, Reclaiming and Recovery
Mothers, Addiction, and Recovery
Finding Meaning through the Journey
Mothers, Military, and Society
Mothers, Mothering and Motherhood Across Cultural Differences
A Reader
Mothers, Mothering and Sex Work
Mothers, Mothering, and COVID-19
Dispatches from the Pandemic
Mothers, Mothering, and Sport
Experiences, Representations, Resistances
Mothers, Sex, And Sexuality
Moving Meals and Migrating Mothers
Culinary cultures, diasporic dishes and familial foodways
Music of Motherhood
History, Healing, and Activism
Musings on Perimenopause and Menopause
Identity, Experience, Transition
Muslim Mothering
Global Histories, Theories, and Practices
My Kind of Crazy
A Graphic Memoir
Natal Signs
Cultural Representations of Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting
Normative Motherhood
Regulations, Representations, and Reclamations
Not Exactly As Planned
A Memoir of Adoption, Secrets and Abiding Love
Not Your Penance
Obstetric Violence
Realities, and Resistance from Around the World
On Huron's Shore
On Mothering Multiples
Complexities and Possibilities
Pagan, Goddess, Mother
Domesticating Technologies
Patricia Hill Collins
Reconceiving Motherhood
Performing Motherhood
Artistic, Activist, and Everyday Enactments
Placenta Wit
Mother Stories, Rituals, and Research
Queering Motherhood
Narrative and Theoretical Perspectives
Programming Change
Re-imagining Mothering and Career
Insights from a Time of Crisis
Reading/Speaking/Writing the Mother Text
Essays on Caribbean Women’s Writing
Rematriating Justice
Honouring the Lives of Our Indigenous Sisters