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McGill-Queen's University Press

Books from this publisher

Kin Majorities

Identity and Citizenship in Crimea and Moldova

by (author) Eleanor Knott

King Edward II

His Life, His Reign, and Its Aftermath, 1284-1330

by (author) Roy Martin Haines

Kingdom of Barracks

Polish Displaced Persons in Allied-Occupied Germany and Austria

by (author) Katarzyna Nowak

Kingdom of the Mind

How the Scots Helped Make Canada

by (author) Peter E. Rider & Heather McNabb

Kingsley Amis

Antimodels and the Audience

by (author) Andrew James

Kingston General Hospital

A Social and Institutional History

by (author) Margaret Angus

Kit's Kingdom

The Journalism of Kathleen Blake Coleman

by (author) Barbara M. Freeman


An Inuit Hero and His Siberian Cousins

by (author) Kira Van Deusen

Kleist on Stage, 1804-1987

by (author) William C. Reeve

Kleist's Aristocratic Heritage and Das Käthchen von Heilbronn

by (author) William C. Reeve

Knight-Monks of Vichy France

Uriage, 1940-1945

by (author) John Hellman


by (author) Edward Carson


by (author) Michael Welbourne

Knowledge Matters

Essays in Honour of Bernard J. Shapiro

by (author) Paul Axelrod

L' Université Laurentienne

Une histoire

by (author) Matt Bray

L'Homme blessé

by (author) Robert Payne

L'Église et la politique québécoise, de Taschereau à Duplessis

by (author) Alexandre Dumas

L.M. Montgomery and Gender

edited by E. Holly Pike & Laura M. Robinson

L.M. Montgomery and War

edited by Andrea McKenzie & Jane Ledwell

L.M. Montgomery and the Matter of Nature(s)

edited by Rita Bode & Jean Mitchell

L.M. Montgomery's Rainbow Valleys

The Ontario Years, 1911-1961

by (author) Rita Bode & Lesley D. Clement

La Frénésie des fusions

by (author) Sancton Andrew

La création de l'École de médecine du Nord de l'Ontario

Une étude de cas dans l'histoire de la formation médicale

by (author) Geoffrey Tesson, Geoffrey L. Hudson & Roger Strasser

La démocratie au Canada

L'effritement de nos institutions

by (author) Donald J. Savoie

La guerre d'indépendance des Canadas

Démocratie, républicanismes et libéralismes en Amérique du Nord

by (author) Julien Mauduit

La somme des satisfactions

Le Canada à l'ère des comptes nationaux

by (author) Duncan McDowall

Labeling People

French Scholars on Society, Race, and Empire, 1815–1848

by (author) Martin S. Staum

Laboratory of Modernity

Ukraine between Empire and Nation, 1772–1914

by (author) Serhiy Bilenky

Labour in the Laboratory

Medical Laboratory Workers in the Maritimes, 1900-50

by (author) Peter Twohig

Labour's Apprentices

Working-Class Lads in Late Victorian and Edwardian England

by (author) Michael J. Childs

Labour, Love, and Prayer

Female Piety in Ulster Religious Literature, 1850-1914

by (author) Andrea Ebel Brozyna

Labouring Children

British Immigrant Apprentices to Canada, 1869-1924

by (author) Joyce Parr

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