McGill-Queen's University Press
Books from this publisher
Rights and Reason
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Rights
Ringing in the Common Love of Good
The United Farmers of Ontario, 1914-1916
Ripping down half the trees
Risk and Responsibility
Risk, Science, and Politics
Regulating Toxic Substances in Canada and the United States
Risks, Dangers, and Rewards in the Nova Scotia Offshore Fishery
Rites of Privacy and the Privacy Trade
On the Limits of Protection for the Self
Rivals in Arms
The Rise of UK-France Defence Relations in the Twenty-First Century
A Romantic Iconography of the River and the Source
Road to Egdon Heath
The Aesthetics of the Great in Nature
Road to Nunavut
The Progress of the Eastern Arctic Inuit since the Second World War
Robert Brandom
Robert Creeley
A Biography
Robert Creeley
An Inventory, 1945-1970
Robert Edwards Holloway
Newfoundland Educator, Scientist, Photographer, 1874-1904
Robert Emmet
A Life
Robert Laird Borden
His Memoirs, Volume I
Robert Laird Borden
His Memoirs, Volume 2
Robert Lepage on the Toronto Stage
Language, Identity, Nation
Robert and Frances Flaherty
A Documentary Life, 1883-1922
Rocke Robertson
Surgeon and Shepherd of Change
Rockefeller Foundation Funding and Medical Education in Toronto, Montreal, and Halifax
Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Canada
American Philanthropy and the Arts and Letters in Canada
Rockingham Connection and the Second Founding of the Whig Party
Roentgenological Studies of Traumatic and Recurrent Anterior and Inferior Dislocations of the Shoulder Joint
Role Quests in the Post-Cold War Era
Foreign Policies in Transition
Role of Transportation in the Industrial Revolution
A Comparison of England and France
Rolph Scarlett
Painter, Designer, and Jeweller
Romance of Transgression in Canada
Queering Sexualities, Nations, Cinemas
Romantic Aversions
Aftermaths of Classicism in Wordsworth and Coleridge