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McGill-Queen's University Press

Books from this publisher

Types of Interpretation in the Aesthetic Disciplines

by (author) Staffan Carlshamre & Anders Pettersson

U-Boats Against Canada

German Submarines in Canadian Waters

by (author) Michael L. Hadley

Ukraine, the Middle East, and the West

by (author) Thomas M. Prymak

Ukrainian Ritual on the Prairies

Growing a Ukrainian Canadian Identity

by (author) Natalie Kononenko

Ulster's Men

Protestant Unionist Masculinities and Militarization in the North of Ireland, 1912-1923

by (author) Jane G.V. McGaughey

Un Homme Grand

Jack Kerouac at the Crossroads of Many Cultures/Jack Kerouac a la confluence des cultures

by (author) Pierre Anctil

Un destin plus grand que soi

L’histoire de la Banque de Montréal de 1817 à 2017

by (author) Laurence B. Mussio

Un grand patron

Une biographie de Donald Gordon

by (author) Joseph Schull
translated by Luc Sicotte


by (author) Neil Surkan


by (author) Gabrielle McIntire


A History of Mackenzie King’s Secret Life

by (author) Christopher Christopher

Under Conrad's Eyes

The Novel as Criticism

by (author) Michael John DiSanto

Under Siege

Islamophobia and the 9/11 Generation

by (author) Jasmin Zine

Under Technology's Thumb

by (author) William Leiss

Under the Weather

Reimagining Mobility in the Climate Crisis

by (author) Stephanie Sodero

Understand and Control Your Asthma

by (author) Hélène Boutin & Louis-Philippe Boulet

Understanding Canada

Building on the New Canadian Political Economy

by (author) Wallace Clement

Understanding Military Culture

A Canadian Perspective

by (author) Allan D. English

Undiplomatic History

The New Study of Canada and the World

edited by Asa McKercher & Philip Van Huizen

Undisciplined Women

Tradition and Culture in Canada

by (author) Pauline Greenhill & Diane Tye

Une mort très digne

L'histoire du Cimetière Mont-Royal

by (author) Brian Young

Unemployment Crisis

by (author) Brian K. MacLean & Lars Osberg

Unforced Flourishing

Understanding Jaan Kaplinski

by (author) Thomas Salumets

Unfulfilled Union, 4th Edition

Canadian Federalism and National Unity

by (author) Garth Stevenson

Unfulfilled Union, 5th Edition

Canadian Federalism and National Unity

by (author) Garth Stevenson

Unified Fields

Science and Literary Form

by (author) Janine Rogers


Talking Back to Plato

by (author) Carrie Jenkins & Carla Nappi

Uniting in Measures of Common Good

The Construction of Liberal Identities in Central Canada

by (author) Darren Ferry


by (author) J.P. Moreland


International Expectations

by (author) King Alexander & Kern Alexander

University Governance in Canada

Navigating Complexity

by (author) Julia Eastman, Glen A. Jones, Claude Trottier & Olivier Bégin-Caouette

University Housing in Canada

by (author) John Bland & Norbert Schoenauer

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