UBC Press
Books from this publisher
Cautious Beginnings
Canadian Foreign Intelligence, 1939-51
Challenge the Strong Wind
Canada and East Timor, 1975–99
Changing of the Guards
Private Influences, Privatization, and Criminal Justice in Canada
Chasing the Dragon in Shanghai
Canada’s Early Relations with China, 1858-1952
Chiang Kai-shek's Critical Years, 1935–50
Chieftains into Ancestors
Imperial Expansion and Indigenous Society in Southwest China
Child and Youth Care
Critical Perspectives on Pedagogy, Practice, and Policy
China Gadabouts
New Frontiers of Humanitarian Nursing, 1941–51
China’s Asymmetric Statecraft
Alignments, Competitors, and Regional Diplomacy
Chinese Comfort Women
Testimonies from Imperial Japan’s Sex Slaves
Citizens Adrift
The Democratic Disengagement of Young Canadians
City of Order
Crime and Society in Halifax, 1918-35
Claire L’Heureux-Dubé
A Life
Clara at the Door with a Revolver
The Scandalous Black Suspect, the Exemplary White Son, and the Murder That Shocked Toronto
Class Actions in Canada
The Promise and Reality of Access to Justice
Cleaner, Greener, Healthier
A Prescription for Stronger Canadian Environmental Laws and Policies
Code Politics
Campaigns and Cultures on the Canadian Prairies
Cold War Fighters
Canadian Aircraft Procurement, 1945-54
Colonial Proximities
Crossracial Encounters and Juridical Truths in British Columbia, 1871-1921
Community Forestry in Canada
Lessons from Policy and Practice
Community Mental Health in Canada, Revised and Expanded Edition
Theory, Policy, and Practice
Comparing Canada
Methods and Perspectives on Canadian Politics
Condo Conquest
Urban Governance, Law, and Condoization in New York City and Toronto
The Planning, Design, and Development of Toronto’s CityPlace
Conflict in Caledonia
Aboriginal Land Rights and the Rule of Law
Conflicting Visions
Canada and India in the Cold War World, 1946-76
Constituency Influence in Parliament
Countering the Centre
Constitutional Crossroads
Reflections on Charter Rights, Reconciliation, and Change
Constitutional Pariah
Reference re Senate Reform and the Future of Parliament
Constitutional Politics in Canada after the Charter
Liberalism, Communitarianism, and Systemism
Constitutionalizing Criminal Law
Constraining the Court
Judicial Power and Policy Implementation in the Charter Era