UBC Press
Books from this publisher
Kiumajut (Talking Back)
Game Management and Inuit Rights, 1900-70
Knowing the Past, Facing the Future
Indigenous Education in Canada
Labour Goes to War
The CIO and the Construction of a New Social Order, 1939-45
Labour at the Lakehead
Ethnicity, Socialism, and Politics, 1900-35
Land Politics and Livelihoods on the Margins of Hanoi, 1920-2010
Land and the Liberal Project
Canada’s Violent Expansion
Landing Native Fisheries
Indian Reserves and Fishing Rights in British Columbia, 1849-1925
Law and Neurodiversity
Youth with Autism and the Juvenile Justice Systems in Canada and the United States
Law and Religious Pluralism in Canada
Law and Risk
Lawyers’ Empire
Legal Professions and Cultural Authority, 1780-1950
Leaky Governance
Alternative Service Delivery and the Myth of Water Utility Independence
Learning and Teaching Together
Weaving Indigenous Ways of Knowing into Education
Lessons in Legitimacy
Colonialism, Capitalism, and the Rise of State Schooling in British Columbia
Let Right Be Done
Aboriginal Title, the Calder Case, and the Future of Indigenous Rights
Levelling the Lake
Transboundary Resource Management in the Lake of the Woods Watershed
Leviathan Undone?
Towards a Political Economy of Scale
Liberalism, Nationalism, Citizenship
Essays on the Problem of Political Community
Life against States of Emergency
Revitalizing Treaty Relations from Attawapiskat
Liquor and the Liberal State
Drink and Order before Prohibition
Live at The Cellar
Vancouver’s Iconic Jazz Club and the Canadian Co-operative Jazz Scene in the 1950s and ‘60s
Lived Fictions
Unity and Exclusion in Canadian Politics
Living Dead in the Pacific
Contested Sovereignty and Racism in Genetic Research on Taiwan Aborigines
Living Indigenous Leadership
Native Narratives on Building Strong Communities
Local Governance in Transition
Toward Sustainable Canadian Communities
Locating Global Order
American Power and Canadian Security after 9/11
Lock, Stock, and Icebergs
A History of Canada’s Arctic Maritime Sovereignty
Lost Kids
Vulnerable Children and Youth in Twentieth-Century Canada and the United States
Made Modern
Science and Technology in Canadian History
Made in Nunavut
An Experiment in Decentralized Government
Making Meaning Out of Mountains
The Political Ecology of Skiing
Making Men, Making History
Canadian Masculinities across Time and Place