University of Calgary Press
Books from this publisher
Law, Politics, and the Judicial Process in Canada, 5th Edition
Le Nouveau roman de l'énergie nationale
Analyse des discours promotionnels d'Hydro-Québec de 1964 à 1997
Learning Japanese in the Network Society
Legislating Love
The Everett Klippert Story
Lily Lewis
Sketches of a Canadian Journalist: A Biocritical Study
Limited Verse
Linked Histories
Postcolonial Studies in a Globalized World
Lobsticks and Stone Cairns
Human Landmarks in the Arctic
Long Division
Long Night of the Tankers
Hitler's War Against Caribbean Oil
Looking Back
Canadian Women's Prairie Memoirs and Intersections of Culture, History, and Identity
Looking Reality in the Eye
Museums and Social Responsibility
Looking for Country
A Norwegian Immigrant's Alberta Memoir
Love and War Western Style
Luther H. Holton
A Founding Canadian Entrepreneur
Madness in Buenos Aires
Patients, Psychiatrists and the Argentine State, 1880-1983
Magic off Main
The Art of Esther Warkov
Many Faces of Gender
Roles and Relationships through Time in Indigenous Northern Communities
Marion Nicoll
Silence and Alchemy
Maurice Dufault
Vice Principal
McCarter and Nairne
Significant British Columbia Projects
Medicine and Duty
The World War I Memoir of Captain Harold W. McGill, Medical Officer, 31st Battalion C.E.F.
Mendel's Children
A Family Chronicle
Mind Technologies
Humanities Computing and the Canadian Academic Community
Mining and Communities in Northern Canada
History, Politics, and Memory
Missing Pieces
My Life as a Child Survivor of the Holocaust
Missionaries among Miners, Migrants, and Blackfoot
The Vantighem Brothers Diaries, Alberta 1875-1917
Mobilizing Global Knowledge
Refugee Research in an Age of Displacement
Montana 1911
A Professor and his Wife among the Blackfeet
Monuments of Progress
Modernization and Public Health in Mexico City, 1876-1910
Mountains So Sublime
Nineteenth-Century British Travellers and the Lure of the Rocky Mountain West
Moving Natures
Mobility and the Environment in Canadian History