University of Ottawa Press
Books from this publisher
Genealogica & Heraldica
Ottawa 1996
Genre, féminismes et développement
Une trilogie en construction
Gilles Paquet
Homo hereticus
God and Argument - Dieu et l'argumentation philosophique
God and the Grounding of Morality
Gomery's Blinders and Canadian Federalism
Governance Through Social Learning
History of the Jews in Quebec
Challenging Canada’s Game – Au-delà du sport national
Hockey and Philosophy
Home Ground and Foreign Territory
Essays on Early Canadian Literature
Postcolonialism, Pedagogy, and Canadian Literature
Homelessness & Health in Canada
Homo Interrogans
Questioning and the Intentional Structure of Cognition
How to Write a Précis
Hugh Garner's Best Stories
A Critical Edition
Husserl and the Sciences
Selected Perspectives
Identity Theft and Fraud
Evaluating and Managing Risk
Images of Canadianness
Visions on Canada's Politics, Culture, and Economics
Immersion at University Level
Rethinking Policies, approaches and implementations
In Ballast to the White Sea
In an Iron Glove
An Autobiography
In the Spirit of ’68
Youth Culture, the New Left, and the Reimagining of Acadia
Innovating South-South Cooperation
Policies, Challenges and Prospects
Intercultural Dialogue
Canada and the Other
International Approaches to Professional Development for Mathematics Teachers
Interpreters as Diplomats
A Diplomatic History of the Role of Interpreters in World Politics
Interpreting the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal
A Sociopolitical Analysis
Is There a Canadian Philosophy?
Reflections on the Canadian Identity
Is Two-Tier Health Care the Future?
Islam in the West
Beyond Integration
Jacob Isaac Segal
A Montreal Yiddish Poet and His Milieu