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Do You Know The Rhinoceros?
by (author)
Alain M. Bergeron
illustrated by

Do You Know Leeches?
by (author)
Alain M. Bergeron
illustrated by

Mothers, Addiction, and Recovery
Finding Meaning through the Journey
edited by Wendy E. Peterson, Laura Lynne Armstrong & Michelle A. Foulkes

Do You Know Rats?
by (author)
Alain M. Bergeron
illustrated by

Family Walks and Hikes of Vancouver Island — Volume 2: Nanaimo North to Strathcona Park
Streams, Lakes, and Hills from Nanaimo North to Strathcona Park
by (author) Theo Dombrowski

Nta’tugwaqanminen - Notre histoire
L'évolution des Mi'gmaqs de Gespe'gewa'gi
by (author) Le Mawiomi Mi'gmawei de Gesp'gewa'gi

Les fables canadiennes de Jules Verne
Discorde et concorde dans une autre Amérique
by (author) Gérard Fabre

The Trans Generation
How Trans Kids (and Their Parents) are Creating a Gender Revolution
by (author) Ann Travers

Thomas Chapais, historien
by (author) Damien-Claude Bélanger

Family of Spies: Paris
by (author)
Jodi Carmichael
illustrated by
Jamie Gatta

Canada: The State of the Federation 2015
Canadian Federalism and Infrastructure
edited by John R. Allan, David L.A. Gordon, Kyle Hanniman & André Juneau

by (author)
Jordan Tannahill
read by
Jacob Vanderham

by (author)
Jordan Tannahill
read by
Jacob Vanderham

Vegas or Bust
A Family Man Takes On the Poker Pros
by (author) Johnny Kampis

The Acadian Kitchen
Recipes from Then and Now
by (author) Alain Bossé

To Live and Die in Scoudouc
by (author)
Herménégilde Chiasson
translated by
Jo-Anne Elder

The Republic of Games
Textual Culture between Old Books and New Media
by (author) Elyse Graham

Mountain Blues
by (author) Sean Arthur Joyce

Dissident Knowledge in Higher Education
edited by Marc Spooner & James McNinch

The Home for Wayward Parrots
by (author) Darusha Wehm

Becca at Sea
by (author) Deirdre Baker

A Storytelling of Ravens
by (author)
Kyle Lukoff
illustrated by
Natalie Nelson

Becca Fair and Foul
by (author) Deirdre Baker

The Outlaw
illustrated by Nancy Vo

The Flower Can Always Be Changing
by (author) Shawna Lemay

A Canadian Healthcare Innovation Agenda
Policy, Governance, and Strategy
edited by A. Scott Carson & Kim Richard Nossal

The Boatman
by (author)
Kat Hawthorne
illustrated by
Dora Mitchell

Décrocher son diplôme (et l’emploi de ses rêves!)
Comment maîtriser les compétences essentielles menant au succès à l’école, au travail et dans la vie
translated by
Émilie Laramée
by (author)
Thomas R. Klassen & John A. Dwyer

Le retour à la biè au hockey
L'histoire d'Eric Molson
by (author) Helen Antoniou

Les Cahiers du Journalisme, V.2, NO1
Médias et terrorisme
edited by Bertrand Labasse, Pierre Savary & Thierry Watine

Better Sex Through Mindfulness
How Women Can Cultivate Desire
by (author)
Lori A. Brotto
foreword by
Emily Nagoski

The Medium Is the Monster
Canadian Adaptations of <em>Frankenstein</em> and the Discourse of Technology
by (author) Mark A. McCutcheon