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Refine your selectionsHome Ground and Foreign Territory
Essays on Early Canadian Literature
edited by Janice Fiamengo
Spirits of the West
Eerie Encounters from the Prairies to the Pacific
by (author) Robert C. Belyk
by (author) Trevor Clark
All My Sins
by (author) Daryl Sneath
Bethune in Spain
by (author) Roderick Stewart & Jesús Majada
I Wish I Could Draw
illustrated by Cary Fagan
After Alice
by (author) Karen Hofmann
Lake of Two Mountains
by (author) Arleen Paré
Bravo, Chico Canta! Bravo!
Spanish Edition
by (author)
Pat Mora & Libby Martinez
illustrated by
Amelia Lau Carling
translated by
Elena Iribarren
From India to Israel
Identity, Immigration, and the Struggle for Religious Equality
by (author) Joseph Hodes
Okanagan Slow Road
by (author)
Bernadette McDonald
illustrated by
Karolina Born
Becoming Inummarik
Men's Lives in an Inuit Community
by (author) Peter Collings
Adam Buenosayres
A Novel
by (author)
Leopoldo Marechal
translated by
Norman Cheadle & Sheila Ethier
The Raven and the Loon
by (author)
Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley & Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley
illustrated by
Kim Smith
Clashes in the Old Arctic
by (author)
Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley & Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley
illustrated by
Andrew Trabbold
Grandmother Ptarmigan
by (author)
Qaunaq Mikkigak & Joanne Schwartz
illustrated by
Qin Leng
Cabin Girl
by (author) Kristin Butcher
So Much for Democracy
by (author) Kari Jones
Rules and Unruliness
Canadian Regulatory Democracy, Governance, Capitalism, and Welfarism
by (author) G. Bruce Doern, Michael J. Prince & Richard J. Schultz
Expect Miracles
Recollections of a Lucky Life
by (author) David M. Culver & Alan Freeman
This Is What Happens Next
by (author) Daniel MacIvor
Speaking Out on Human Rights
Debating Canada's Human Rights System
by (author) Pearl Eliadis
To Make a Difference
A Prescription for a Good Life
by (author) Morris Goodman & Joel Yanofsky
Creating This Place
Women, Family, and Class in St John's, 1900-1950
by (author) Linda Cullum & Marilyn Porter
Frontier Boosters
Port Townsend and the Culture of Development in the American West
by (author) Elaine Naylor
Death Talk, Second Edition
The Case Against Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide
by (author) Margaret Somerville
The Grandkid
by (author) John Lazarus
A Gillnet's Drift
Tales of Fish and Freedom on the BC Coast
by (author) W.N. Marach
Chorus of Mushrooms
20th Anniversary Edition
by (author) Hiromi Goto
Juba Good
A Ray Robertson Mystery
by (author) Vicki Delany
Vancouver Island Scoundrels, Eccentrics and Originals
Tales from the Library Vault
by (author) Stephen Ruttan
Food Artisans of Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands
by (author) Don Genova