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The Detective Lane Casebook #2
by (author) Garry Ryan

The Things Owen Wrote
by (author) Jessica Scott Kerrin

Coyote Tales
by (author)
Thomas King
illustrated by
Byron Eggenschwiler

Erving Goffman et le travail social
edited by Stéphanie Garneau & Dahlia Namian

Haunted Ground
Ghost Stories from the Rock
by (author) Dale Jarvis

I'm the Girl Who Was Raped
by (author) Michelle Hattingh

Unpacked From PEI to Palawan
by (author) Mo Duffy Cobb

The Sum of Us
Tales of the Bonded and Bound
edited by
Susan Forest & Lucas K. Law
by (author)
Juliet Marillier, Brenda Cooper, Colleen Anderson, Charlotte Ashley, Ian Creasey, A.M. Dellamonica, Bev Geddes, Claire Humphrey, Sandra Kasturi, Tyler Keevil, Matt Moore, Heather Osborne, Nisi Shawl, Alex Shvartsman, Kate Story, Karina Sumner-Smith, Amanda Sun, Hayden Trenholm, James Van Pelt, Liz Westbrook-Trenholm, Edward Willett, Christie Yant & Caroline M. Yoachim
introduction by
Dominik Parisien

The Cloud Versus Grand Unification Theory
by (author) Chris Banks

Darwin's Moving
by (author) Taylor Lambert

To Me You Seem Giant
by (author) Greg Rhyno

Malaika’s Winter Carnival
by (author)
Nadia L. Hohn
illustrated by
Irene Luxbacher

Exploring Montreal's Underground City
by (author) Alan Hustak

In the Red Canoe
by (author)
Leslie A. Davidson
illustrated by
Laura Bifano
read by
Christian Down

In the Red Canoe Read-Along
by (author)
Leslie A. Davidson
illustrated by
Laura Bifano
read by
Christian Down

The Worst and Best of the Premiers and Some We Never Had
A Political Report Card
by (author) Bill Rowe

Last Lullaby
by (author) Alice Walsh

Slow War
by (author) Benjamin Hertwig

Me and You and the Red Canoe
by (author)
Jean E. Pendziwol
illustrated by

Seamus’s Short Story
by (author)
Heather Hartt-Sussman
illustrated by
Milan Pavlović

Syria, Press Framing, and the Responsibility to Protect
by (author) E. Donald Briggs, Walter C. Soderlund & Tom Pierre Najem

Glorious & Free
The Canadians
by (author)
Rita Field-Marsham & Kim Bozak
illustrated by
Frank Viva
foreword by
Yann Martel

The Deindustrialized World
Confronting Ruination in Postindustrial Places
edited by Steven High, Lachlan MacKinnon & Andrew Perchard

The Baby’s Handbook: 21 Black and White Nursery Rhyme Songs, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Old MacDonald, Pat-a-cake, Twinkle Twinkle, Rock-a-by baby, and More (Engage Early Readers: Children’s Learning Books)
by (author)
Dayna Martin
edited by
A.R. Roumanis

The Kindergartener’s Handbook: ABC’s, Vowels, Math, Shapes, Colors, Time, Senses, Rhymes, Science, and Chores, with 300 Words that every Kid should Know (Engage Early Readers: Children's Learning Books)
by (author)
Dayna Martin
edited by
A.R. Roumanis

Angels and the Afterlife
by (author) Laverne Stewart

Cold Clear Morning
by (author) Lesley Choyce

The Nova Scotia Book of Fathers
edited by Lesley Choyce & Julia Swan

On South Mountain
The Dark Secrets of the Goler Clan
by (author) David Fitch & Alison Griffiths

The Sea Was in Their Blood
The Disappearance of the Miss Ally's Five-Man Crew
by (author) Quentin Casey

Tax, Order, and Good Government
A New Political History of Canada, 1867-1917
by (author) E.A. Heaman

Le ministère des Affaires extérieures du Canada
Volume III : Innovation et adaptation, 1968-1984
by (author) John Hilliker, Mary Halloran & Greg Donaghy