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Language is the Key
The Canadian Language Benchmarks Model
edited by Monika Jezak

War Memories
Commemoration, Recollections, and Writings on War
edited by Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger & Renée Dickason

The Bombay Plays
by (author) Anosh Irani

Trudeau’s Tango
Alberta Meets Pierre Elliott Trudeau, 1968–1972
by (author) Darryl Raymaker

Whose Mission, Whose Orders?
British Civil-Military Command and Control in Northern Ireland, 1968-1974
by (author) David A. Charters

Two Years Below the Horn
Operation Tabarin, Field Science, and Antarctic Sovereignty, 1944-1946
by (author)
Andrew Taylor
edited by
Daniel Heidt & Whitney Lackenbauer

Defining Métis
Catholic Missionaries and the Idea of Civilization in Northwestern Saskatchewan, 1845-1898
by (author) Timothy P. Foran

The Orchard Keepers
by (author) Robert Pepper-Smith

Greetings, Leroy
by (author)
Itah Sadu
illustrated by
Alix Delinois

by (author) Jennifer Still

How I Became Invisible
by (author)
Herve Bouchard
illustrated by
Janice Nadeau
translated by
Helen Mixter

Alberta's Lower Athabasca Basin
Archaeology and Palaeoenvironments
edited by
Brian M. Ronaghan
contributions by
Alwynne B. Beaudoin, Janet Blakey, Luc Bouchet, James A. Burns, Grant M. Clarke, Gloria J. Fedirchuk, Timothy G. Fisher, Duane G. Froese, Eugene M. Gryba, John W. Ives, Raymond J. Le Blanc, Murray Lobb, Thomas V. Lowell, Brian O.K. Reeves, Elizabeth C. Robertson, Laura Roskowski, Nancy Saxberg, Jennifer C. Tischer, Stephen A. Wolfe, Robin J. Woywitka, Robert R. Young & Angela M. Younie

Tu sais, mon vieux Jean-Pierre
Essays on the Archaeology and History of New France and Canadian Culture in Honour of Jean-Pierre Chrestien
edited by John Willis

by (author)
Bertrand Laverdure
translated by
Oana Avasilichioaei

An Extraordinary Destiny
by (author) Shekhar Paleja

Dead White Men
by (author) Shane Rhodes

Making of Modern Poetry in Canada
Essential Commentary on Poetry in English, Third edition
edited by Louis Dudek & Michael Gnarowski

Beyond "Understanding Canada"
Transnational Perspectives on Canadian Literature
edited by Melissa Tanti, Jeremy Haynes, Daniel Coleman & Lorraine York

Running to the Edge
by (author) Martin Parnell

Rag Cosmology
by (author) Erin Robinsong

A Land Not Forgotten
Indigenous Food Security and Land-Based Practices in Northern Ontario
edited by Michael A. Robidoux & Courtney W. Mason

Death in a Darkening Mist
by (author) Iona Whishaw

Sun of a Distant Land
A Novel
by (author)
David Bouchet
translated by
Claire Holden Rothman

by (author) Josip Novakovich

Uncle Holland
by (author)
JonArno Lawson
illustrated by
Natalie Nelson

Visioning a Mi'kmaw Humanities
Indigenizing the Academy
edited by Marie Battiste

All the Names Between
by (author) Julie McCarthy

The Vimy Trap
or, How We Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Great War
by (author) Ian McKay & Jamie Swift

Managing a Canadian Healthcare Strategy
by (author)
A. Scott Carson
edited by
Kim Richard Nossal

The Hell of It All
A T.J. Peterson Mystery
by (author) Bob Kroll

Shakespeare and Canada
Remembrance of Ourselves
edited by
Irena R. Makaryk & Kathryn Prince
contributions by
Annie Brisset, Richard Cavell, Dana Colarusso, Daniel Fischlin, Troni Grande, Peter Kuling, Sarah Mackenzie, C.E. McGee, Don Moore, Ian Rae, Tom Scholte & Kailin Wright

Deep Salt Water
by (author)
Marianne Apostolides
illustrated by
Catherine Mellinger