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A Month of Mondays
by (author) Joëlle Anthony

What Are You Doing?
by (author)
Elisa Amado
illustrated by
Manuel Monroy

Sopa de frijoles / Bean Soup
Un poema para cocinar / A Cooking Poem
by (author)
Jorge Argueta
illustrated by
Rafael Yockteng

The al-Baqara Crescendo
Understanding the Qur'an's Style, Narrative Structure, and Running Themes
by (author) Nevin Reda

Vers une école inclusive
Regards croisés sur les défis actuels
by (author) Lise Gremion, Serge Ramel, Valérie Angelucci & Jean-Claude Kalubi

Une tradition et un droit
Le Sénat et la représentation de la francophonie canadienne
by (author) Linda Cardinal & Sébastien Grammond

Medicine Unbundled
A Journey through the Minefields of Indigenous Health Care
by (author) Gary Geddes

Not My Party
The Rise and Fall of Canadian Tories, from Robert Stanfield to Stephen Harper
by (author) Tom McMillan

Les littératures franco-canadiennes à l’épreuve du temps
edited by
Lucie Hotte & François Paré
contributions by
Marie Carrière, Grégoire Holtz, Kathleen Kellett, Louise Ladouceur, Jean Morency, Pamela Sing, Jimmy Thibault & Emmanuelle Tremblay

Vascular Plants of Alberta, Part 1
Ferns, Fern Allies, Gymnosperms, and Monocots
by (author) John Packer & A. Joyce Gould

Farm Workers in Western Canada
Injustices and Activism
edited by Shirley A. McDonald & Bob Barnetson

Speaking in Cod Tongues
A Canadian Culinary Journey
by (author)
Lenore Newman
foreword by
Sarah Elton

Modal Logics and Philosophy, Second Edition
by (author) Rod Girle

I, Dr. Greenblatt, Orthodontist, 251-1457
by (author) Gary Barwin

Le trouble obsessionnel-compulsif
Guide d'information
by (author) Neil A. Rector & Christina Bartha

Les troubles anxieux
Guide d'information
by (author) Neil A. Rector & Danielle Bourdeau

Animal Subjects 2.0
edited by Jodey Castricano & Lauren Corman

Indian Arm
by (author) Hiro Kanagawa

Faire son choix, réussir son parcours
Traitement de la dépendance aux opioïdes
by (author) CAMH

Imagine This Valley
Essays and Stories Celebrating the Bow Valley
by (author) Stephen Legault

Where Do Babies Come From?
Our First Talk About Birth
read by Jillian Roberts

Aqua Vitae
A History of the Saloons and Hotel Bars of Victoria, 1851-1917
by (author) Glen A. Mofford

Science of the Seance
Transnational Networks and Gendered Bodies in the Study of Psychic Phenomena, 1918-40
by (author) Beth A. Robertson

Paris Undressed
The Secrets of French Lingerie
by (author)
Kathryn Kemp-Griffin
illustrated by
Paloma Casile

Parcours jeunes et FLS
Activités pédagogiques en français langue seconde, niveau B2 – C1 du CECR
by (author) Laura Ambrosio & Miriam Hatabi

Un historien dans la cité
Gaétan Gervais et l’Ontario français
by (author) François-Olivier Dorais

Parables, Prayers, & Promises
Daily Devotions on Jesus
by (author)
Martha Martin
foreword by
Alydia Smith
appendix by
Trisha Elliott

Le poisson orange
translated by
Benoit Léger
by (author)
Carol Shields

Canada's Forgotten Heroes
by (author) John Mellor

Care, Cooperation and Activism in Canada's Northern Social Economy
edited by Frances Abele & Chris Southcott

Education of African Canadian Children
Critical Perspectives
edited by Awad Ibrahim & Ali A. Abdi

by (author) Kaie Kellough