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Burqa of Skin
by (author)
Nelly Arcan
translated by
Mélissa Bull

Reading from Behind
A Cultural Analysis of the Anus
by (author) Jonathan A. Allan

Arroz con leche / Rice Pudding
Un poema para cocinar / A Cooking Poem
by (author)
Jorge Argueta
illustrated by
Fernando Vilela
translated by
Elisa Amado

Italian Lives, Cape Breton Memories
New Edition
by (author) Sam Migliore & A. Evo Dipierro

Buddy and Earl Go Exploring
by (author)
Maureen Fergus
illustrated by
Carey Sookocheff

Pensionnats du Canada : La réconciliation
Rapport final de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada, Volume 6
by (author) Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada

Pensionnats du Canada : Les séquelles
Rapport final de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada, Volume 5
by (author) Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada

Dojo Daytrip
by (author) Chris Tougas

Chirp: Knights of the Awesome Castle
by (author) J. Torres

The Digital Nexus
Identity, Agency, and Political Engagement
edited by Raphael Foshay

My Heart Fills With Happiness
by (author)
Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by
Julie Flett

Cultural Competency Skills for Psychologists, Psychotherapists, and Counselling Professionals
A Workbook for Caring Across Cultures
by (author) Earle Waugh, Olga Szafran, Jean A.C. Triscott & Roger Parent

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
Dirk Daring, Secret Agent (Book 2)
by (author) Helaine Becker

by (author) Kim Trainor

Never Swim Alone & This Is A Play
2nd Edition
by (author) Daniel MacIvor

by (author) Maja Ardal

Lucy fait du patinage de vitesse
by (author)
Lisa Bowes
illustrated by
James Hearne

Canada's Residential Schools: The Inuit and Northern Experience
The Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Volume 2
by (author) Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

Pensionnats du Canada : Enfants disparus et lieux de sépulture non marqués
Rapport final de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada, Volume 4
by (author) Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada

Pensionnats du Canada : L’histoire, partie 2, de 1939 à 2000
Rapport final de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada, Volume I
by (author) Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada

Canada's Residential Schools: The History, Part 2, 1939 to 2000
The Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Volume I
by (author) Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

Pensionnats du Canada : L’expérience métisse
Rapport final de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada, Volume 3
by (author) Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada

Pensionnats du Canada : L’histoire, partie 1, des origines à 1939
Rapport final de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada, Volume I
by (author) Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada

Pensionnats du Canada : L’expérience inuite et nordique
Rapport final de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada, Volume 2
by (author) Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada

The Economic Background of Dominion-Provincial Relations
Appendix III of the Royal Commission Report on Dominion-Provincial Relations
by (author) W.A. Mackintosh

Anatomy of the Brain and Nerves
Volumes 1 & 2
by (author)
Thomas Willis
edited by
William Feindel

Historical Essays on the Atlantic Provinces
edited by G.A. Rawlyk

A Course in Baluchi
Volumes 1 &2
by (author) Muhammad Abd-al-Rahman Barker & Aqil Khan Mengal

Life and Letters of Sir Wilfrid Laurier
Volume 2 1896-1919
by (author)
Oscar Douglas Skelton
edited by
David M.L. Farr

The Unreformed Senate of Canada
by (author) Robert A. MacKay

A History of Canadian External Relations
Volume 2
by (author) G.P. de T. Glazebrook

Le premier épisode psychotique
Guide d'information
by (author) Sarah Bromley & Monica Choi