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Remember This
The Fascinating World of Memory
by (author)
Monique Polak
illustrated by
Valéry Goulet

All That Grows
illustrated by Jack Wong

The Scooter Twins
by (author)
Dorothy Ellen Palmer
illustrated by
Maria Sweeney

Walking Trees
illustrated by Marie-Louise Gay

Le verger de M. Drumlin
by (author) Keith Weaver

Trust the Bluer Skies
Meditations on Fatherhood
by (author) paulo da costa

Prairies entrelacées
Tissage, modernismes et cadre élargi (1960-2000)
edited by
Michele Hardy, Timothy Long & Julia Krueger
translated by
Katherine Aerts, Michèle Allaire, Anne Laflèche & Gilles Mossière

Creating Visual Schedules
The Schedule Evaluation Tool (SET) for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disabilities
by (author)
Johanne Mainville, Sonia Di Lillo, Nathalie Poirier & Nathalie Plante
translated by
Tanina Drvar
series edited by
Carole Fleuret & Nicholas Ng-A-Fook

The Roosting Box
Rebuilding the Body after the First World War
by (author) Kristen den Hartog

Sex in Canada
The Who, Why, When, and How of Getting Down Up North
by (author) Tina Fetner

Every Wrinkle Has a Story
by (author)
David Grossman
illustrated by
translated by
Jessica Cohen

Challenge to Civilization
Indigenous Wisdom and the Future
by (author) Blair A. Stonechild

Détresse et nostalgie
by (author) Yolande Bastarache

Canadian Rajah
by (author) Dave Carley

Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, V33 #2
edited by Justin Piché

Still More Stubborn Stars
by (author)
Paul N. Gallant
Pat Sloan

by (author) Pamela Mala Sinha

Le sous-développement durable
by (author)
Vladimir Pierre Antoine Lovinski
series edited by
Genevieve Tellier

The best of the third decade of above/ground press: 2013–2023
edited by rob mclennan

Sweat Equity
Cooperative House-Building in Newfoundland, 1920-1974
by (author) C.A. Sharpe & A.J. Shawyer

The Rescue Dog Who Rescued Me
by (author)
Grant Hayter-Menzies
foreword by
Linda Rogers

Insécurité linguistique dans la francophonie
by (author) Annette Boudreau

Cinema Van, propagande et résistance en Afrique coloniale
by (author)
Vincent Bouchard
series edited by
E. -Martin Meunier & Marie-Claude Thifault

First Few Feet in a World of Wolves, The
by (author) Scott Mainprize

Protecting the Prairies
Lorne Scott and the Politics of Conservation
by (author) Andrea Olive

Cette science nécessaire
Dissections humaines et formation médicale au Québec
by (author) Martin Robert

The YWCA in China
The Making of a Chinese Christian Women's Institution, 1899–1957
by (author) Elizabeth A. Littell-Lamb

L'étoile du nord
Le mystère éternel de Tom Thomson et de la femme qui l’aimait
translated by
Benoit Léger
by (author)
Roy MacGregor

The Dangerous Harbour
Revealing the Unknown Ships and Wrecks of the Halifax Explosion
by (author) Bob Chaulk

The Art of Ectoplasm
Encounters with Winnipeg's Ghost Photographs
edited by Serena Keshavjee

Identité, appartenances
Un parcours franco-ontarien
by (author) Robert Major

Mehndi Boy
by (author)
Zain Bandali
illustrated by
Jani Balakumar