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In Defence of Principles
NGOs and Human Rights in Canada
by (author) Andrew S. Thompson
Dreaming in Canadian
South Asian Youth, Bollywood, and Belonging
by (author) Faiza Hirji
Locating Global Order
American Power and Canadian Security after 9/11
edited by Bruno Charbonneau & Wayne S. Cox
Storied Communities
Narratives of Contact and Arrival in Constituting Political Community
edited by Hester Lessard, Rebecca Johnson & Jeremy Webber
Voting Behaviour in Canada
edited by Cameron D. Anderson & Laura B. Stephenson
Fort Chipewyan and the Shaping of Canadian History, 1788-1920s
"We like to be free in this country"
by (author) Patricia A. McCormack
The Aquaculture Controversy in Canada
Activism, Policy, and Contested Science
by (author) Nathan Young & Ralph Matthews
Parity Democracy
Women's Political Representation in Fifth Republic France
by (author) Jocelyne Praud & Sandrine Dauphin
Inuit Education and Schools in the Eastern Arctic
by (author) Heather E. McGregor
Sex and the Revitalized City
Gender, Condominium Development, and Urban Citizenship
by (author) Leslie Kern
Princess Grace and the Jellyfish
by (author) Jane Mosely
Managed Annihilation
An Unnatural History of the Newfoundland Cod Collapse
by (author) Dean Bavington
Reconstructing Kobe
The Geography of Crisis and Opportunity
by (author) David W. Edgington
Acts of Occupation
Canada and Arctic Sovereignty, 1918-25
by (author) Janice Cavell & Jeff Noakes
An Alternative Intellectual History of the Twentieth Century
by (author) Hans Thomas Hakl
The Philosophy of Husserl
by (author) Burt C. Hopkins
The Philosophy of Sartre
by (author) Anthony Hatzimoysi
Analytic versus Continental
Arguments on the Methods and Value of Philosophy
by (author) James Chase & Jack Reynolds
The Return of Feminist Liberalism
by (author) Ruth Abbey
The History of a Philosophy
by (author) Jeremy Dunham, Iain Hamilton Grant & Sean Watson
Women and Property in Urban India
by (author) Bipasha Baruah
The Philosophy of Heidegger
by (author) Michael Watts
by (author) W. Jay Wood
Philosophy, Neuroscience, and Consciousness
by (author) Rex Welshon
Phenomenal Consciousness
Understanding the Relation between Experience and Neural Processes in the Brain
by (author) Dimitris Platchias
The Philosophy of Wine
A Case of Truth, Beauty, and Intoxication
by (author) Cain Todd
Art's Emotions
Ethics, Expression, and Aesthetic Experience
by (author) Damien Freeman
Ethics for Broken World
Imagining Philosophy after Catastrophe
by (author) Tim Mulgan
Time and Philosophy
A History of Continental Thought
by (author) John McCumber
Unsettling the Settler Within
Indian Residential Schools, Truth Telling, and Reconciliation in Canada
by (author)
Paulette Regan
foreword by
Taiaiake Alfred
Geography of British Columbia, Third Edition
People and Landscapes in Transition
by (author) Brett McGillivray
The Wolf King
by (author) Judd Palmer