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A Big Dose of Lucky
by (artist) Marthe Jocelyn

A Big Dose of Lucky
by (author)
Marthe Jocelyn
read by
Kelly Pruner

Stones on a Grave
by (author)
Kathy Kacer
read by
Anne Marie Damman

The Unquiet Past
by (author) Kelley Armstrong

Shattered Glass
by (author)
Teresa Toten
read by
Elizabeth Phillips

My Life Before Me
by (author)
Norah McClintock
read by
Karen Rowe

Small Bones
by (author) Vicki Grant

The Unquiet Past
by (author)
Kelley Armstrong
read by
Gabrielle Vaughn

Small Bones
by (author)
Vicki Grant
read by
Jules Price

Shattered Glass
by (author) Teresa Toten

by (author)
Eric Walters
read by
Nina Richmond

by (author) Eric Walters

The Diplomat
Lester Pearson and the Suez Crisis
by (author) Antony Anderson

My Life Before Me
by (author) Norah McClintock

Stones on a Grave
by (author) Kathy Kacer

The Idea of a Human Rights Museum
contributions by Karen Busby, Adam Muller, Andrew Woolford, Jennifer Carter, Clint Curle, Angela Failler, Helen Fallding, Jodi Giesbrecht, Amanda Grzyb, George Jacob, Stephen Jaeger, A. Dirk Moses, Jorge A. Nállim, Ken Norman, Armando Perla, David Petrasek, Ruth B. Phillips, Christopher Powell, Mary Reid, Roger I. Simon & Struan Sinclair

The Invention of Journalism Ethics, Second Edition
The Path to Objectivity and Beyond
by (author) Stephen J.A. Ward

McMaster University, Volume 2
The Early Years in Hamilton, 1930-1957
by (author) Charles M. Johnston

The Story of the Basilica of St. John the Baptist
by (author) Susan Chalker Browne

Why Grow Here
Essays on Edmonton's Gardening History
by (author) Kathryn Chase Merrett

Des outils pour le changement
Une approche critique en études du développement
edited by
Henry Veltmeyer
assisted by
Nasser Ary Tanimoune

P'ésk'a and the First Salmon Ceremony
illustrated by Scot Ritchie

Children of the Broken Treaty
Canada's Lost Promise and One Girl's Dream
by (author) Charlie Angus

Crossings, A Thomas Pichon Novel
A Thomas Pichon Novel
by (author) A.J.B. Johnston

Cinderella and the Glass Slipper (Engage Early Readers: Children's Fairy Tales)
by (author)
A.R. Roumanis
edited by
Dayna Martin

Sizes for Kids age 1-3 (Engage Early Readers: Children's Learning Books)
by (author)
Dayna Martin
edited by
A.R. Roumanis

Shapes for Kids age 1-3 (Engage Early Readers: Children's Learning Books)
by (author)
Dayna Martin
edited by
A.R. Roumanis

Sports for Kids age 1-3 (Engage Early Readers: Children's Learning Books)
by (author)
Dayna Martin
edited by
A.R. Roumanis

Where the Rivers Meet
Pipelines, Participatory Resource Management, and Aboriginal-State Relations in the Northwest Territories
by (author) Carly A. Dokis

Sounds for Kids age 1-3 (Engage Early Readers: Children's Learning Books)
by (author)
Dayna Martin
edited by
A.R. Roumanis

Stone by Stone
Exploring Ancient Sites on the Canadian Plains, Second Edition
by (author) Liz Bryan

Opposites for Kids age 1-3 (Engage Early Readers: Children's Learning Books)
by (author)
Dayna Martin
edited by
A.R. Roumanis