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Knife Party at the Hotel Europa
by (author) Mark Anthony Jarman

La toxicomanie
Guide d'information
by (author) Marilyn Herie & Tim Godden

Women and Psychosis
An Information Guide
by (author) Pamela Blake & April A. Collins

La thérapie cognitivo-comportementale
Guide d'information
by (author) Neil A. Rector

Les troubles concomitants de toxicomanie et de santé mentale
Guide d'information
by (author) W.J. Wayne Skinner & Caroline P. O'Grady

Living Recovery
Youth Speak Out on “Owning” Mental Illness
by (author) JoAnn Elizabeth Leavey

The Thrill
by (author) Judith Thompson

The Missing Dog Is Spotted
by (author) Jessica Scott Kerrin

Milk Fever
by (author) Lissa M. Cowan

The Boardwalk
A Gulliver Dowd Mystery
by (author) Reed Farrel Coleman

by (author) Tara Grammy & Tom Arthur Davis

Length Tension Testing Book 1, Lower Quadrant
A Workbook of Manual Therapy Techniques
by (author) Paolo Sanzo & Murray MacHutchon

Length Tension Testing Book 2, Upper Quadrant
A Workbook of Manual Therapy Techniques
by (author) Paolo Sanzo & Murray MacHutchon

How Things Came to Be
Inuit Stories of Creation
by (author)
Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley & Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley
illustrated by
Patricia Ann Lewis-MacDougall & Emily Fiegenschuh

I see my love more clearly from a distance
by (author) Nora Gould

Ce que la rivière nous procurait
Archéologie et histoire du réservoir de l’Eastmain-1
edited by Pierre Bibeau, David Denton & André Burroughs

The Hard-Place Boy
by (author) Tom Dalton

The Oak Island Mystery, Solved!
by (author) Joy A. Steele

Concussion Inc.
The End of Football As We Know It
by (author) Irvin Muchnick

Canada and Aboriginal Canada Today - Le Canada et le Canada autochtone aujourd’hui
Changing the Course of History - Changer le cours de l’histoire
by (author) Paul Martin

The Metamorphosis
The Apprenticeship of Harry Houdini
by (author) Bruce MacNab

The Mark Tartaglia Series Bundle
Die With Me: Book 1; Our Lady of Pain: Book 2; Evil In Return: Book 3
by (author) Elena Forbes

Frontier Farewell
The 1870s and the End of the Old West
by (author) Garrett Wilson

A Coyote Solstice Tale
by (author)
Thomas King
illustrated by
Gary Clement

Bodily Subjects
Essays on Gender and Health, 1800-2000
by (author) Tracy Penny Light, Barbara Brookes & Wendy Mitchinson

I Wasn't Always Like This
by (author) Shelley A. Leedahl

Does State Spying Make Us Safer?
The Munk Debate on Mass Surveillance
by (author)
Michael Hayden, Alan Dershowitz, Glenn Greenwald & Alexis Ohanian
commentaries by
Edward Snowden

A Historical and Legal Study of Sovereignty in the Canadian North
Terrestrial Sovereignty, 1870-1939
by (author)
Gordon W. Smith
edited by
P. Whitney Lackenbauer
foreword by
Tom and Nell Smith

When the Great Red Dawn Is Shining
by (author) Christopher J.A. Morry

A Blue Puttee at War
The Memoir of Captain Sydney Frost, MC
by (author)
Sydney Frost
edited by
Edward Roberts

The Legacy of Grazia dei Rossi
Book 2
by (author) Jacqueline Park

Trojan-Horse Aid
Seeds of Resistance and Resilience in the Bolivian Highlands and Beyond
by (author) Susan Walsh